Draft Plan ConsultationThe Draft Plan Consultation on the pre-submission version of the plan was run for 6 weeks from 2nd January to 14th February 2018. The final plan is now ready and is based on updates to the draft plan using the the input received during the consultation.The results from the draft plan consultation The feedback from the formal consultation and the effect of the feedback on the final plan is logged in a Consultation Statement document. This is a 153 page document due to the amount and depth of the feedback from the survey responses. It is broken down into 5 separate sections and each section can be opened separately below:01 Consultation Process & Preparation Timetable02 Responses Received from Statutory Consultees03 Survey Responses to the Pre-Submission Draft Plan04 Written Responses to the Pre-Submission Draft Plan05 Evidence Based Review Comments (AECOM)There is more information about the process and the associated documents in Neighbourhood News 24. A summary of the various changes made to the draft plan and TNP documents are in Neighbourhood News 26. You can view the separate sections of the final plan in a web friendly version. The final plan and all associated documents are available on the evidence page. We are very grateful to the 119 people that attended the drop in event and exhibition over the 2 days 1st and 2nd of February. It gave the Steering Group an opportunity to share the plan and for you to ask questions. In all 314 completed surveys returned with around 6000 comments. Most of these were from Ticehurst, but we had good responses from Flimwell, Stonegate and the outlying areas of the parish. There were 55 written or emailed responses from both parishioners and other interested parties(such as utilities, developers). This included 10 responses from statutory consultees.The draft plan consultation activitiesThe consultation on the pre-submission version of the plan ran for 6 weeks from 2nd January to 14th February 2018. Below is a 25 minute video of a presentations given by Feria Urbanism during the consultation event on the 1 and 2 of February.The draft plan consultation was well publicised:•A leaflet was circulated to every household in the parish.•Street champions visited almost every household in the parish.•Posters were placed throughout the parish.•700 paper copies of the draft plan were available in local churches, schools shops and pubs.•On-line viewing(front page) and PDF copies(evidence page) of the draft plan were on the website.•The above video put on the website and circulated to the email list, the day after, enabling those who could not attend to see the presentation before the end of the consultation. There were organised events:•A major consultation in Ticehurst Village Hall on the 1 & 2 February 2018.•There were 6 separate presentations given by Feria Urbanism. The presentation lasted for around 25 minutes and it was followed by a question and answer session. Each of these presentation generated a healthy debate that all lasted more than 30 minutes covering, amongst other topics, site allocation, green spaces and improvements to village centres. •Pop up events Ticehurst Village Square and Springfields.•At the request of some Flimwell residents, two members of the steering group attended a meeting with them to hear their concerns. Feedback surveys:•Paper copies were available in local churches, schools shops and pubs.•On-line via survey monkey and a pdf printable version from the website. From Fri 8 Nov to Fri 21 Dec further representation were made to Rother District Council website.To be kept informed of the plan’s progress you can subscribe toreceive email newletters and event details.
Ticehurst Neighbourhood Plan Flimwell - Stonegate - Ticehurst